Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) Hollywood Movie Watch Online. Starring Tomorowo Taguchi, Shinya Tsukamoto, Nobu Kanaoka, Sujin Kim Director Shinya Tsukamoto Genre SciFi, Horror Movie Info. Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. When the skinheads capture him, they begin to experiment on himspeeding up the mutative process. After a happily married Tokyoite's young son is kidnapped in a shopping mall by psycho, cyborg skinheads, he begins to mutate into a metallic cybergun when angered. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Torrents (1992). Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. Ver Pelicula Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Online Gratis. Now better stop looking for some other films in Horror category because one of the most exciting of them, Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is before you right now. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. dont listen to the rest of these reviews by people too alternative to like the sequel. tetsuo II: body hammer is brilliant. the soundtrack is also incredible. Published on December 26, 2006 dvforever Tetsuo: The Iron Man (, Tetsuo) is a 1989 Japanese cyberpunk horror film. It was written, produced, edited, and directed by cultfilm director Shinya Tsukamoto, and produced by Japan Home Video. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer un film del 1992 ed il secondo capitolo di una trilogia di cui fanno parte Tetsuo e Tetsuo: The Bullet Man; tutti e tre i film sono scritti, prodotti, montati, diretti ed interpretati da Shinya Tsukamoto. Sequel to Tetsou this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. When the skinheads capture him, they begin to experiment on himspeeding up the mutative process. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is a 1992 Japanese science fictionhorror film directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. It is a biggerbudget reworking of the same director's 1989 movie Tetsuo: The Iron Man, utilizing similar themes and ideas to the earlier film (a Japanese salaryman, played by cult actor Tomorowo. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) Full Movie Online. Watch Tetsuo II: Body Hammer 1992 Full Movie Free OnlineReleased: 15 August 1997 Genres: SciFi, Drama, Horror. Tetsuo: The Iron Man Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Bluray (, 2) ( ): A strange man known only as the metal fetishist, who seems. Subtitles Tetsuo II: Body Hammer subtitles english. Tetsuo II The Body Hammer (Shinya Tsukamoto, 1992). 7 Comments on Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Tetsuo II: Body Hammer, Tetsuo: The Bullet Man Soundtrack (Complete by Chu Ishikawa) 3 A. M ETERNAL September 13, 2012 Link Dead. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is the second entry in the Tetsuo series and arguably an improvement over the first film. It has a more coherent plot, better special effects, and a better flow. Of the two, it was the more accessible film. Year: 1992 Director: Shin'ya Tsukamoto The plot. Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is a 1992 Japanese science fictionhorror film directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. It is a biggerbudget reworking of the same directors 1989 movie Tetsuo: The Iron Man, utilizing similar themes and ideas to the earlier film (a Japanese salaryman, played by cult actor Tomorowo Taguchi, finds his body transforming into a. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) online (Greek subs) Online Movies Star (Tainies. Tetsuo II is neither an abandoned child, nor a child smothered in love. He's kind of a cynical, a child with mixed feelings. (Shinya Tsukamoto on Tetsuo II: Body Hammer) After his debut feature Tetsuo: The Iron Man had gained him a reputation among independent film. Find great deals on eBay for TETSUO II: BODY HAMMER. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is a 1992 Japanese science fictionhorror film directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. It is a biggerbudget reworking of the same director's 1989 movie Tetsuo: The Iron Man, utilizing similar themes and ideas to the earlier film (a Japanese salaryman, played by cult actor Tomorowo Taguchi, finds his body transforming into a weapon. I discovered Tetsuo II: Body Hammer at FilmDoo. The companion piece to the 1989 cult hit Tetsuo: The Iron Man sees Tsukamotos disturbing Description: Sequel to Tetsou this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) Description: Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. When the skinheads capture him, they begin to experiment on Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Tetsuo II: Body Hammer at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is a 1992 Japanese science fictionhorror film directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. It is a biggerbudget reworking of the same director's 1989 movie Tetsuo: The Iron Man, utilizing similar themes and ideas to the earlier film (a Japanese salaryman, played by cult actor Tomorowo Taguchi, finds his body transforming into a weapon. Find great deals on eBay for tetsuo body hammer. Hello Guest, this is a Official Trailer of: Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer (1992) Best Regards Horrorfilm Archivist NEW trailer for the upcoming high definition release of Tetsuo I II, out as a doubledisc set on BLURAY and DVD on October 8th, 2012 from Third Window Films Nonton film Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) streaming dan download movie subtitle indonesia kualitas HD gratis terlengkap dan terbaru. Horror, SciFi, Japan, Sequel, Produced By Director, Written By Director, Roman Numeral In Title, Shot In The Headjapanese Cyberpunk, Shin'ya Tsukamoto, Tomor Taguchi, Shin'ya Tsukamoto, Nobu Kanaoka, Sujin Kim, Hideaki Tezuka. Watch Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) Free Online Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Tomoo Taniguchi is a quiet family man, living a peaceful life in the city (presumably 1992 Tokyo) with his wife and son. Tetsuo: The Iron Man Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Bluray (, 2) ( ): A strange man known only as the metal fetishist, who seems to have an insane compulsion to stick scrap metal. Un feticista del metallo (Shinya Tsukamoto), dopo un tentato innesto di un tubo sul femore, non riuscito, viene investito da un'automobile guidata da un modesto impiegato giapponese, Tomoo Taniguchi (Tomorowo Taguchi). Da questo momento in poi l'esistenza di quest'ultimo sar. Tetsuo: The Iron Man Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer Bluray (1 Arrow Films Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is a fine disc. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good. The colors are sharp, and the sound is nice and evenly mixed. Buy Tetsuo: The Iron Man Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer Double Disc Set [Bluray from Amazon's Movies Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. When released in 1989, Tetsuo represented for many the arrival of Japanese cinema to the Western world. This Collectors Edition twodisc digipack set brings together both Tetsuo: The Iron Man and Tetsuo: Body Hammer and is the perfect introduction to one of maestros of Japanese filmmaking, Shinya Tsukamoto. Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Soundtrack details Home Explore Movies Explore Composers Resource Directory Forums Contact Us About Us Search on: title soundtrack composer label number track for Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. When the skinheads capture him, they begin to experiment on See full summary. Shinya Tsukamoto's cult horror movies Tetsuo and Tetsuo II are out on Bluray from 8 October 2012 priced 17. 99 Tetsuo II: Body Hammer is a 1992 Japanese science fiction horror film directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. It is a biggerbudget sequel to Tsukamoto's 1989 film Tetsuo: The Iron Man, utilizing similar themes and ideas as his first film (a Japanese salary man, played by cult actor Tomorowo Taguchi, finds. When Shinya Tsukamoto was growing up in Tokyo, there were still green and open spaces in the citybut now he sees it transformed into a towering, compacted mass of steel and concrete..