Space Shanty Wikipedia article Album by Khan. The Cobalt Sequence and March of the Sine Squadrons) Stranded (Effervescent Psychonovelty No. 5) Mixed Up Man of the Mountains Driving to Amsterdam Stargazers Hollow Stone (Escape. Khan Space Shanty music CD Bonus album at CD Universe, 2008 digitally remastered and expanded edition of the debut from this '70s outfit featuring two bonus tracks. Space Shanty This song is by Khan and appears on the album Space Shanty (1972). I need you and you need me Also I need to be free Free as the word free can mean To stand secure outside this dream Starstruck moonman looks so blind You# 39; re still a slave within your mind All this time you have The opening Space Shanty with its twin sequence parts is a fantastic example of prog rock covering an array of ideas from folk medieval to quite heavy guitar, whilst continually returning to its main keyboard theme before ending with a vocal introduction to the album. You can also share khan space shanty or any other file with the community. Upload any file up to 20 MB size without any limitations! No registration Khan Space Shanty (1972 uk, stunning hard prog canterbury rock, 2010 japan SHM remaster) Space Shanty is a oneoff album by a foursome of pedigreed Canterbury musos, and its considered a loveit or hateit classic by proggies. Listen to your favorite songs from Space Shanty by Khan Now. Stream adfree with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Find a Khan (3) Space Shanty first pressing or reissue. Complete your Khan (3) collection. Space Shanty, the sole album of Khan, featuring Gong's Steve Hillage and Egg's Dave Stewart, is a refreshingly consistent record loaded with dreamlike psychedelic vibes, spasmodic jazz leanings, and symphonic splendor. Quando se fala de rock progressivo, mais precisamente da cena britnica de Canterbury, no existe nenhuma dvida de que Space Shanty, nico lbum lanado pela banda Khan, uma das obras mais relevantes e influentes desse movimento. Se qualcuno per assurdo dovesse avere larduo compito di reperire nellimmensa discografia internazionale un solo album che, musicalmente e concettualmente, possa contenere ed esprimere contemporaneamente progressive, psichedelia e rock canterburiano, nella loro pi genuina natura, ci si troverebbe di fronte a unimpresa a dir poco complessa e impegnativa. UNIVERSAL UICY9037' Japanese, papersleeve, deluxe limited edition, superb sound' Respecting all details of the original issue, this CD has exactly the. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Space Shanty lyrics by Khan: I need you and you need me. Free as the word free can mean, To stand secure Find great deals on eBay for khan space shanty and caravan grey pink. Space Shanty, an Album by Khan. Released in 1972 on (catalog no. Genres: Canterbury Scene, Progressive Rock. Rated# 64 in the best albums of 1972, and# 2015 in the greatest alltime album chart (according to RYM users). You look like someone who appreciates good music. Listen to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the Premium trial. Play on Spotify Listen to Space Shanty from Khan's Space Shanty for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Purchase Space Shanty by Khan on CD online and enjoy having your favourite Rock music delivered to you in South Africa. The album Space Shanty was released in June 1972, followed by a UK tour supporting Caravan, for which Canadian organist Val Stevens joined. The songs on Space Shanty have some of the most emotionfilled and gloriously picturesque lyrics and compositions out of. SPACE SHANTY was first released on Decca in May 72 and became the first mainstream release to feature Steve Hillage. This digitally remastered reissue of the British progressive rock classic includes two previously unreleased bonus tracks, Break the Chains and Mixed Up Man of the. Check out Space Shanty by Khan on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Check out Space Shanty by Khan on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Space Shanty Lyrics: I need you and you need me Also I need to be free Free as the word free can mean To stand secure outside this dream Starstruck moonman looks so blind You're still a. Steve Hillage es un guitarrista con una tcnica increble y Dave Stewart es uno de los mejores teclistas britnicos de los aos setenta. Estos dos factores sumados a la imaginacin desbordante que tienen para hacer composiciones complejas y de un enorme atractivo, hacen de Khan uno de los mejores grupos de la escena Canterbury y del rock progresivo en general. Find great deals on eBay for khan space shanty. Maybe the most adventurous song from the Space Shanty timeline, here is where you will put your foot down on moon! It is the most happier song from their repertoire too. This song brings me the sensation of find the unexplored. MELOMANO: KHAN SPACE SHANTY melomano Space Shanty is the debut and only album by the shortlived Canterbury scene band Khan. Steve Hillage's first solo album, Fish Rising, included material originally intended for the second album by Khan, but the band split up before that was a possibility. Khan Space Shanty [Full Album 1 Space Shanty 0: 00 2 Stranded 9: 04 3 Mixed Up Man Of The Mountains 15: 42 4 Driving To Amsterdam 22: 59 5 Stargazers 32: 24 A chi ama frequentare le zone meno esplorate del rock progressivo capita, talvolta, di imbattersi in dei piccoli tesori, il cui ascolto rivela sensazioni gratificanti quanto inaspettate e che, una volta conosciuti a fondo, niente (ma proprio niente) hanno da invidiare ai fratelli maggiori pi noti. Lo ammetto, a volte non basta un primo o Space Shanty. Space Shanty is the debut and only album by the shortlived Canterbury scene band Khan. Steve Hillage's first solo album, Fish Artist: Khan Title: Space Shanty Year: 1972 Record Label: DeccaDeram TRACKLIST: 1. The Cobalt Sequence and March of the Sine Squadro KHAN space shanty Japan MINI LP SHMCD STEVE HILLAGE Envoyez un email vos amis Partager sur Facebook la page s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fentre ou un nouvel onglet Partager sur Twitter la page s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fentre ou un nouvel onglet Partager sur Pinterest la page s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fentre ou un nouvel onglet Here you can download khan space shanties shared files: Khan Space shanty 1972. 6 MB, Khan space shanty 1972 rar links to fast downloads from mediafire. com (84 MB), khan space shanty. 6 MB Khan continued playing live after Space Shanty was finished, but its membership continued to change. Only Hillage remained the original member. Khan continued playing live after Space Shanty was finished, but its membership continued to change. Only Hillage remained the original member. Almost stereotypically overreaching early'70s progressive rock; quasioperatic vocals, spinning guitar solos, lengthy suitelike tracks on the order of Stargazers and. Listen free to Khan Space Shanty (Space Shanty, Stranded and more). Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last. Khan Space Shanty (1972) Esse lbum, de membros oriundos de bandas como o Gong e Egg, simplesmente um dos melhores albuns de prog na minha opinio; Um som extremamente bem feito e executado, com timos vocais, linhas de guitarra marcantes e teclados bem colocados, soando como algo mgico e envolvente. Find a Khan (3) Space Shanty first pressing or reissue. Complete your Khan (3) collection. Space Shanty Khan to stream in hifi, or to download in True CD Quality on Qobuz. com Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Space Shanty Khan on AllMusic 1972 Almost stereotypically overreaching early'70s Space Shanty Khan to stream in hifi, or to download in True CD Quality on Qobuz. com Space Shanty is the debut and only album by the shortlived Canterbury scene band Khan. Steve Hillage's first solo album, Fish Rising, included material originally intended for the second album by Khan, but the band split up before that was a possibility..